Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lazy day Oct 4

Lazy day Oct 4

We hope to wash the bikes tomorrow
Well what a lovely lazy day this was.
We did a load of washing then walked to town to have breakfast.
photo 3.JPGVic got his glasses fixed as his nose cushion had fallen off.
We bought lunch and brought it back to our humble abode,where we slept the afternoon away
We walked to a pub around the sea shore had a very nice dinner and in bed by 9 pm
Vic is improving each day.
photo 2.JPGIt was a break through today as he now can remember his pin number...all going well
Alan and Wayne are going snorkeling and scuba diving at the reef, they have an early start 7 am pick up.
The weather is improving each day still a few showers around.

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