Well so much to report, the trip has been excellent the `roads are twisty and the scenery has been magnificent and the food just magic, the weather is perfect and all going well.Sorry about the delay in reporting but not having our little computer there was no Internet available in the hotels we were staying at.We are now in Porto in Portugal.
Our bags have been to Germany and "should be in Lisbon" today... so we hope they will be there when we arrive there Friday, we will be staying at the same hotel (Tiara) we were in when last in Lisbon and understand we will be having our farewell dinner at the same restaurant as the earlier tour.
The "Old Lawyer" is younger than Vic, what a surprise he looks about 75. Yes he has dropped his bike but is OK and we lost him a couple of times and Nuno had to go looking for him. Some days have been very long "in hours" as we have to wait.. as the two Dr's and their Dad, "the Lawyer" have never ridden so far in their lives, so Vic and Nuno have been giving them riding instructions so that they can keep up.The tour is so much different from the last one. which was fast and we are missing all the guys and Ann.
Mike, the Canadian´, is good company and a good rider, he was to be on the Moroccan tour but for some reason decided not to, from our description he now wishes he had been.
We have given this group a few laughs I don,t know if they understood us or laughed to be polite...
Iky is still in the truck and Claus has not ridden in Spain or Portugal as his back is still very sore from lifting the bike off Denny on the last tour.
We have stayed in some magnificent places.. from Monasteries and Convents to the oldest recognized hotel in the world next to the Santiago Cathedral, and we are now in a beautiful restored palace with our room in an adjoining warehouse overlooking the river.
We saw many pilgrims arriving in Santiago having walked over one thousand klms in a month giving hugs and many kisses to others who also made it (not being a Catholic we did not know anything about this). Santiago is one of the four corners of the cross.
We are off on a cruise on the river and then we are going to do a Yellow bus trip to see the sights of the city. As the name Porto suggests it is in the port growing region of Portugal and naturally one has to support the local industry.