No rain, clear skies ……. There must be a catch, but lots of riders didn’t think so as they arrived in droves; well lots anyway.
Bob took a rather inventive approach to leading a ride; basically wind them up and let them go, but it worked and a great day was had by all.A BIG thanks to Bob for his lead now please enjoy his report ………..
Tim Bailey said that Sydney would get rain to-day so I put on my rain pants as extra insurance (they usually keep it at bay) just in case my old magic of "it never rains on my parade" had faulted. Got sprinkled on getting to Berowra ---- bugga, not a good start.
26 eager riders and one pillion fronted for to-days epic ride.
Knowing that I am the "Mobile Road Block" I declared it a ride at your own pace ride. After crossing Berowra Ferry in the lead, only two Jack Rabbits passed me and not until we were on Wiseman’s rd. I think I must be getting better after all.
As is the usual procedure on this ride I stopped for a re-group at the turn off to Sackville. This created a bit of a wait for us leaders and I could feel the agitation to get moving again. Rob our stalwart TEC came around the corner and I was swamped with howling motor cycles following him past me sitting at the front of the mob. No worries they all knew where to go. Meant I could corner at my speed - no worries. As I rounded the corner on the approach to the ferry I was surprised to see it had moved out on a crossing with only half the group on board and still plenty of space. Seems there was a small gap between the riders and the ferry crew just shut the gate and set sail. BUGGA another ten + minute wait.
As we assembled to ride off to Wisemans Ferry for lunch I delivered a briefing on the route emphasizing turning LEFT. Away went the "lemmings" following blindly.
I was among the last to get going and was surprised and concerned when on reaching the Lower Portland Ferry to discover that only 4 bikes had crossed ahead of my group of 4. Where was every one else?
Not to worry I am sure those concerned enjoyed finding some new roads etc. My little group rode the riverside which is always very scenic but slow.
Lunch over I gave further instructions on how to get out of the park , go to the end of the road and turn LEFT and board the ferry etc for a farewell at the PITS.
I did also give instructions for those who chose to turn right but those instructions do not need to be repeated.
Sounds like a disaster day but it wasn't, it was fun and great to be riding.
Sadly my rain pants etc did not work keeping the rain away as most of us got wet for a short bit near Peats Ridge
BIG THANKS to all who came along and especially to Rob doing his usual great job as TEC
Always Ride with a Smile